School Hours

The school day at Holy Child Catholic Primary School is outlined below:

  • 8.45 am       First bell
  • 8.50 am       Second bell
  • 10.50 am     Eating bell
  • 11.00 am     Recess
  • 11.35 am     First bell
  • 11.40 am     Second bell
  • 1.35 pm       First bell
  • 1.40 pm       Recess
  • 2.15 pm       First bell
  • 2.20 pm       Second bell
  • 3.20 pm       Dismissal

The bell will ring in the morning and at the end of each playtime. The bell is a reminder that we are ready to start the day or get ready to start the next learning session.

For your child’s safety, he/she should not arrive at school before 8.30am.

Gates Open 8.30am
Gates Close 3.40pm

Children playing outside the school grounds, before and after school, are not supervised until 8.30am before school and up to 3.40pm after school.  Many children are going to the Jack Culpin Car Park\Reserve and Gibbs Reserve, before and after school, to wait for their parents’ drop-off and pick‑up. We are not able to supervise your children in these areas.

Please ensure children are collected from the School Grounds in Area 1.

If your child is not collected by 3.40pm they are to be collected from the Reception Foyer.

Children and toddlers are not permitted on the adventure playground before and after school.