Frequently asked questions

What if I cannot attend a PSG meeting?

If you cannot attend a PSG meeting, advise the principal/principal’s nominee as soon as practicable. If sufficient notice is provided, the school may be able to reschedule the meeting to enable you to attend. If insufficient notice is provided, the school may proceed with the meeting for programming purposes and you will be noted as an apology. In this situation, the school will provide you with the meeting minutes and any relevant documentation after the meeting. Where the purpose of the meeting was to share with you assessment results or a report from an external consultant, the school will attempt to reschedule the meeting or otherwise explore alternate methods of communicating with you (e.g. by phone call or videoconference).

Can I arrange for someone else (e.g. family member or friend) to attend the PSG meeting instead of me?

If you cannot attend a PSG meeting and would like someone else to attend in your place, you must notify the principal/principal’s nominee in writing and specify who you would like to attend. The principal makes the final decision regarding the attendance of invited guests.

Can I bring someone with me to the PSG meeting?

You may bring an advocate or support person with you to the PSG meeting as long as that person is not being paid by you or any other member of the PSG. As with all invited guests, you will need to notify the principal/ principal’s nominee prior to the meeting. The advocate/ support person may only attend with the consent of the principal/principal’s nominee.

Can I choose who from the school attends the PSG meeting?

The principal/principal’s nominee is the chair of the PSG and is required to be present at every meeting. If you have any concerns about the attendance of school staff members, please raise these with the principal/principal’s nominee.

What if I need an interpreter or other assistance?

If you need an interpreter or other forms of assistance, please raise this with the principal/principal’s nominee. The school can arrange for an interpreter. If you wish to have an advocate or support person attend the meeting with you, please advise the principal/principal’s nominee.

What if I am separated/ divorced from my child’s mother/father?

In relation to PSGs, wherever possible, a mutually acceptable arrangement should be sought. If you have concerns, contact the principal to discuss further. Depending on the circumstances, parents may attend meetings together or, in some instances, they may require separate meetings. Your child’s school will discuss with you how to proceed.

What if there are parenting orders or court orders that may be relevant?

If there are parenting orders, court orders or any concerns relating to you or your child, contact the principal to discuss further. Depending on the circumstances, parents may attend meetings together or, in some instances, they may require separate meetings. Your child’s school will discuss with you how to proceed.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for a PSG meeting?

Review the agenda and any relevant documentation and consider whether there are any additional items you wish to raise. Advise the principal/principal’s nominee of any invited guests, including your advocate or support person, if relevant. Prepare a list of any questions or matters you wish to discuss in relation to the agenda or relevant documentation.

How long does a PSG meeting go for?

The duration of a PSG meeting may vary depending on the situation. As an approximate guide, the following applies:

  • initial PSG meetings that may require a longer discussion time: 45–60 minutes
  • PSG meetings where a specialist report is tabled: 45–60 minutes
  • regular and review PSG meetings: 30–45 minutes.

Can schools conduct PSG meetings via phone or videoconference?

Yes, this is an option and may suit some families, for example, if your child’s school is a long way from your home or you find it hard to get to the school. If this is relevant to you, please contact the principal/ principal’s nominee to discuss arrangements. All practices and protocols for PSG meetings should still be followed, including who attends the meeting. As with face-to-face meetings, PSGs conducted by phone or videoconference must not be audio- or videorecorded by the school or any other participants unless consent is first obtained from all participants.

Am I required to provide the PSG with relevant or new information regarding my child (e.g. medical reports)?

Parents are encouraged to share relevant information about their child with the PSG so that the school can meet their duty-of-care obligations in relation to your child, and make any necessary reasonable adjustments for your child. The school enrolment policy will generally stipulate what information parents are required to provide.

What if I disagree with the minutes provided by the school?

It is important to remember that the minutes are not a word-for-word account of the PSG meeting. It is, however, preferable that you and the school agree on what decisions were made during the meeting and what actions arise from the meeting. You are encouraged to raise any concerns with the principal/ principal’s nominee. If agreement is not reached on the final copy of the minutes, you may amend your copy and sign and return this to the school.

What if I have a concern or complaint?

If you have a concern or complaint, please raise this with the principal/principal’s nominee. Alternatively, you may follow the school’s complaints procedure, which will generally be available on their website or from the school office.

What does the principal consider in determining if an adjustment is reasonable?

An adjustment is a measure or action taken to assist a student with a disability to participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. An adjustment is reasonable if it achieves this purpose while taking into account the student’s learning needs and balancing the interests of all parties affected, including those of the student with the disability, the education provider, staff and other students. The principal must consider all parties affected in making a balanced decision. The principal will explain their decisions to the PSG.

What if I have a question that is not in this guide?

If you have any further questions about PSGs, please contact the school.